A witch riding on a broom in front of the moon with the word 'Halloween' in the background.

Spooktacular Sounds

A creepy cacophony of terrifying tones, hair-raising racket, and doomful din to haunt and scare. Best if used on Halloween to startle unsuspecting trick-or-treaters or easily frightened friends. Listeners beware!

A carved pumpkin with a smiling face
key in the shape of a bone

Tap a key

A Apparitions
B Bang
C Creepy Child
D Door Creaking
E Evil Laughter
F Frightening Echo
G Ghost Wailing
H Haunting
I I Will Kill You
J Jack-O’-Lantern
K Knife Blades
L Laughter
M Monster Growl
N Nightmare
O Organ Music
P Pain
Q Quiet Ghostly Activity
R Rainstorm
S Screaming
T Torture
U Undertaker’s Graveyard
V Voice Narrating
W Witch Cackling
X eXtraterrestrials
Y Yowling Werewolf
Z Zombies Feasting